I've been reading your post for sometime now and have noticed a bias in your writing. Often you will slight progressive ( or working class) policies and ideas without data. For example, in Not Lying Flat under Break Up of Tech you say, "It won’t solve anything and will impoverish everyone in the process." That statement really needs to be clarified. The large technology companies have a strangle hold on innovation and how we address it is complicated. Yet, change will not solve anything and impoverish everyone in the process is a strange way to frame it.

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Always excellent. I mentor a few young gentlemen and women entering the workforce and /or starting their own businesses on men in the workforce. All are very excited as they enter; after about 12-16 months, I see a change. Most businesses empower the women; however, the men are literally afraid to say anything. They cannot push back on what they see as bad ideas, and if they even look at a female, they get sent to HR for sensitivity training that tells them they are somehow wrong. The PC environment is as toxic a work environment as I have ever seen. One young man was sent to his HR departments as he was anonymously reported to have stared at women's behind too long.

In our tiny discussion groups, the women empathize with their male cohorts but say - "But can we do?" About half the young men leave after 18 months. They feel pushed out. While frustrated, most of the young men I have been working with find smaller companies and or start a company of their own.

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that's terrible. i hope this is a passing trend since it benefits no one. though i worry it will take too much time and we'll all be poorer as a result.

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