Just like they have started wearing mid-calf socks and shopping at Costco, Gen-Z will eventually come around to discovering diversified investment portfolios.

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If the $35 trillion federal debt weren't looming I would agree with you. But we've reduced risk at the expense of kicking the can to the future. The interest is now higher than the defense budget, that's not a recipe for productivity and growth.

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Just appears the market/government and Main Street are drifting further apart in multiple places and countries for that matter. What evidence would it take to convince you that your hypothesis is wrong?

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Wrong about what? What's your counterpoint/argument? Your comment is just a non sequitur

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Many great quotes in here. As a Gen Z'er I can attest that there is certainly a feeling of mild superiority when it comes to investing. The bull markets we've been exposed to, and maybe more impactful, the safety nets the gov't has spread, lead us to believe we are part man, part machine.

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